Palestinians create nakba for themselves

Fighting between Palestinians in the Gaza strip has intensified, with the Jerusalem Post reporting that at least 20 were killed and 70 wounded on Tuesday. Large numbers of Qassam rockets have been fired at Israel, with some Israeli and Palestinian sources suggesting that this may be an attempt by Hamas to involve Israel so as to distract attention from the factional warfare.

Meanwhile, Moussa Abu Marzouk of Hamas’ political bureau blames it on everyone else:

“The international community and Arab countries shoulder part of the responsibility for the current events due to their attitudes toward the national unity government,” Abu Marzouk told The Associated Press by telephone in Damascus. “The continued financial and political siege has pushed matters to this simmering tension.”

“The Israelis are behind all these events,” Abu Marzouk said. “It’s illogical that the Arabs stand idle watching the Palestinian arena while it’s on the verge of explosion under the siege. … This is a constant pressure that has led to a real explosion.”

Home of Rashid Abu ShbakUmm, I see.

Speaking of the continued financial siege against the Palestinians, here’s a photo of the home of Rashid Abu Shbak, the Fatah ‘security’ chief in Gaza, which was recently attacked by Hamas. Notice the signs of abject poverty, which the selfless Palestinian leadership bravely shares in solidarity with the struggling masses in Gaza.

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