A Palestinian ‘political’ prisoner

Shawarma restaurant bombing

The Salem military court in the West Bank sentenced Muhammed Amudi to 11 life sentences, and 20 additional years in prison for his role in a suicide bombing at a Tel Aviv shawarma restaurant last spring.

On 17 April, 2006, a Palestinian suicide bomber detonated himself at a crowded fast-food stand near Tel Aviv’s old central bus station. Amudi was the mastermind behind the terror attack, which left 11 people killed and dozens injured. — YNet

Sami Salim Mohammed HammedThe attack was actually carried out by Sami Salim Mohammed Hammed, a young man from Jenin. The explosive device detonated after a security guard asked Hammed to open his bag; it included the usual nails, etc. to inflict the maximum number of injuries. The same restaurant had been previously targeted in January with 31 injuries and no deaths. The Palestinian Islamic Jihad took credit for both attacks.

I have no idea of what Amudi said to Hammed to get him to agree to be a human bomb. Some sources give his age as 21. Judging by the photo, I doubt it.

All of this is remind us that when the various terrorist groups demand the release of ‘political’ prisoners from Israeli jails, they are talking about creatures like Muhammed Amudi.

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