It’s about killing Jews

Statement issued by the Islamic Jihad organization, after a bomb planted on the Israeli side of the Gaza border fence killed one IDF soldier:

We are sending our message to all the Zionist criminals,” he said. “Your threats to target the leaders of resistance… won’t scare us. We are going to continue our resistance and holy war, and we will continue to rain rockets on your colonies [Sderot, Ashkelon — all within pre-1967 Israel] until we make them ghost towns. — Jerusalem Post

Cartoon published in Qatari newspaper (more cartoons at ADL Website):

Anti-Semitic Qatari cartoon

Statement of Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinian Authority:

It’s very regrettable that what is happening is more than a holocaust. We tell the world to see with its own eyes and judge for itself what is happening and who is carrying out international terrorism — Ynet

Of the 130 or so Palestinians that were killed in the Gaza operation, the IDF claims that about 10% were civilians. Of course people like Abbas and pro-Hamas news agencies like the BBC or Reuters don’t believe the IDF, but it is a lot more reliable than the Palestinians who have been demonstrated time and again to simply make up civilian casualties and ‘massacres’.

Speaking of Massacres,

A Palestinian terrorist opened fire at a central Jerusalem yeshiva late Thursday night, killing eight students and wounding 10 others, police and rescue officials said.

The 8:45 p.m. shooting at Mercaz Harav Yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood broke a two-year lull in terror in the capital and sent students scurrying for cover from a hail of gunfire – a reported 500-600 bullets – that lasted for several minutes.

“There were horrendous screams of ‘Help us! Help us!'” recounted Avrahami Sheinberger of the ZAKA emergency rescue service, one of the first to respond to the scene. “There were bodies strewn all over the floor, at the entrance to the yeshiva, in various rooms and in the library.”

As security forces raced to the scene, the gunman fired round after round of ammunition into the library at the seminary, religious Zionism’s flagship institution. About 80 students had gathered in the library to celebrate the Hebrew month of Adar II, which begins on Friday evening. — Jerusalem Post

The Kiryat Moshe neighborhood is in West Jerusalem; it was founded in 1923. Not that the murders would be justified otherwise, but we need to understand that these scum wish to wipe out all Jewish presence in the Middle East. It’s not about ‘occupation’, it’s about killing Jews.

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