Our friends the media

A couple of things.

On Sunday the Fresno Bee published an op-ed on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by Thomas L. Friedman  (“Don’t try this at home“). It wasn’t the best thing Friedman ever wrote and it wasn’t the worst. But here is the illustration that went with it, by Mike Miner of the Chicago Tribune:

Tribune-McClatchy illustration from the Fresno Bee, Sunday February 8, 2009

Tribune-McClatchy illustration from the Fresno Bee, Sunday February 8, 2009

Illustrations tell a story, so what story does this one tell? That Israel imprisons Palestinians? That the occupied territories, or Gaza, are like concentration camps? Friedman’s article didn’t say anything like that. So what does this illustration illustrate except the prejudices of the editor that chose it? I asked Bee Editorial page editor Jim Boren, but he didn’t reply.


Honest Reporting has come out with their annual “Dishonest Reporting Awards” for 2008. And look who took home the gold for “Dishonest Reporter of the Year”, my favorite ‘activist’, Tony Blair’s sister-in-law Lauren Booth.

Lauren Booth shops in concentration-camp-like Gaza

Lauren Booth shops in concentration-camp-like Gaza

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