
For security reasons, you must be registered and logged in to post a comment on this blog. But because of a deluge of fake users, I’ve had to turn registration off!

So if you are not registered, and you want to comment on a post here, please send an email to info [at] FresnoZionism [dot] org. I will register you and give you a password, which you can then change if you wish.

I’ve spent a huge amount of time the last couple of days — time which I could have used for writing, for my day job, or for sleeping — updating the code and deleting hacker-inserted exploits which were adding invisible links to blog pages (they are invisible to us, but Google sees them and then treats this site like a spammer).

Somehow this is related to the fake users.

To my chagrin, the hackers are not anti-Zionists or Hamas terrorists who view me as a menace, but rather the types selling fake Viagra and pirated software.

Thanks, again, for your patience.

Comments are closed.