This isn’t news anymore

The media in the US barely mention this stuff anymore:

A massive terror attack was foiled Saturday night when an IAF air strike on two vehicles near the southern Gaza Strip’s border with Egypt killed two Palestinians, including an Islamic Jihad operative, and wounded 21 others, the IDF said.

The army said that one of the vehicles was carrying Islamic Jihad operatives and was filled with explosive devices including suicide bomb belts.

The group, said the IDF, was on its way to carry out a huge terror attack against Israelis…

Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for firing a rocket into a Sderot neighborhood shortly before the air strike, but it was not clear if they were the same group hit by the IAF strike. Two more rockets were fired at the western Negev on Saturday night. No casualties or damage were reported as a result of the Kassam attacks. — Jerusalem Post

Rockets are falling on southern Israel every day. Hamas still holds Gilad Shalit. Hezbollah still holds Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, if indeed they are alive.

These facts represent violations of international law. They represent denials of basic human rights to Israelis. If you listen to pro-Palestinian voices, you hear the same stuff over and over: Israel mistreats us, Israel denies us our rights, Israel builds an annoying fence, etc.

How can anyone miss the fact that Palestinians (and others) are trying to kill Israelis and the only thing that prevents them from doing so is the army?

Isn’t it reasonable to think that you would be tempted to treat someone badly if he is trying to kill you, in fact, if he has been trying to kill your family since the beginning of the 20th century?

Just sweep away all the accusations and counter-accusations and you are left with the simple fact that Arabs have always wanted to kill Jews in the Middle East, and Jews (and later Israelis) have responded in various ways to protect themselves.

This isn’t news anymore.

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One Response to “This isn’t news anymore”

  1. Shalom Freedman says:

    It is correct to be outraged by the total idiocy of blaming Israel for ‘oppressing’ those who are trying to kill its citizens. The generally tolerant or super-tolerant attitude towards Palestinian cruelties is some basic way not at all understandable to me. There is Saudi money, and there is traditional and non- traditional anti- Semitism, and there is the Left’s love of the seeming underdog, but none of it , or all of it put together can explain the special consideration given to the terrorist people who just a short time ago showed what they were really about in their friendly actions towards each other in Gaza.