While the usual murderous Palestinian terrorists fire rockets at southern Israel (yes, they are still doing that) and plant bombs by the fence separating Gaza and Israel, the ‘non-violent’ resistance forces of Palestinians, Israeli left-wing extremists and ‘internationals’ — anti-Zionists from Europe and North America who come to Israel in order to take part in demonstrations or to serve as human shields for Arab terrorists — do their part against the Jewish state. Here’s a report from the Palestinian Ma’an news agency:
Bethlehem – Ma’an – More than 100 of farmers, youth, international and Israeli peace activists [!] marched against the Israeli separation wall Friday, and armed with car tires and home made ladder to climb the high wall they managed to burn one section and pull down three others.
According to participants one of the youth passed over the wall and set fire to car tires, damaging the fence and the sensors attached to it. A second group of youth burned a stack of 10 tires at one of the gates in the concrete wall, with black smoke billowing toward the nearby settlement.
“This is the first message sent from N’lin’s people that the wall will not prevent them from going to their lands that was taken from them,” a statement from the local popular committee said.

'Demonstrators' pull down part of security barrier near Nil'in (Ma'an News)
Nil’in is about a mile and half from the green line, due east from Lod. The security barrier runs south of the town, protecting several Jewish settlements which abut the green line (see map linked above). My guess is that the road visible through the breach is rt. 446, looking toward Matityahu or Modi’in Illit.
This road is the main connection to several Jewish settlements just inside the Green Line (and numerous Arab villages).
On January 17, 2008, an Israeli driving on Rt. 446 was shot and wounded by Palestinian terrorists — the Fatah al-Aqsa brigades took credit. The much longer rt. 443, which runs through the same general area, has also been the site of numerous firebomb and sniper attacks, including fatal ones. After five Israelis were killed and more wounded in multiple incidents on 443, Israel blocked off exits to Palestinian villages along 443, giving rise to howls of “apartheid” and petitions to the Supreme Court from the usual suspects.
Nil’in demonstrators claim that the purpose of the barrier is to separate local farmers from some of the land that they work (even though there is a gate in it which they can pass through). Yes, it’s inconvenient for them.
But the alternative was even more inconvenient for one Israeli family in August 2001:
Two Israelis were killed, one critically wounded, and two lightly wounded late last night when terrorists shot at the vehicle they were driving along the Givat Ze’ev-Modi’in road, near the Dor Energia gas station.
Sharon and Yaniv Ben-Shalom, of Ofarim in western Binyamin, were killed, and their children – one and two – were lightly wounded. Sharon’s brother, Zion Sabiri, was critically wounded in the attack…
Police said the terrorists either set up an ambush at the side of the road or fired from a passing vehicle, near the village Beit Ghur e-Tahta, not far from the army roadblock at Maccabim. Bullets hit the right side of the Ben-Shaloms’ car.
Now, keeping this in mind, look at the photo above, in which Palestinian vandals have opened a gap in the barrier. Then ask yourself why the barrier was built.
Technorati Tags: Israel, Nil’in, security barrier