Thanks to Ma’ariv’s Ben-Dror Yemini (Hebrew) and to, we present the following for your enjoyment:

Letter written by John Kerry in 2009, supporting anti-Israel activists on their way to join a blockade-breaking “Gaza Flotilla”
Here’s the text:
December 23, 2009
To Whom it May Concern:I am writing to express my strong support for members of the humanitarian delegation from Massachusetts that will be traveling to Israel and the Palestinian Territories from December 27th to January 15th. The humanitarian delegation from Massachusetts is sponsoring this visit and they plan to meet with non-governmental organizations, assess the health care system and observe human rights and trade union conditions among Israelis and Palestinians.
I respectfully request that every courtesy be given the members of the delegation during their visit. My staff has met with members of this group and is impressed with their ability, dedication and commitment to the peace process. We look forward to seeing them again upon their return and hearing about their visit.
For any questions or concerns please feel free to contact Christopher Wyman in by Boston office at 617-565-8522.
Thank you for your cooperation in this very important matter.
John F. Kerry
United States Senate
Of course there was nothing ‘humanitarian’ about the flotilla, which was an attempt to aid Hamas by breaking the Israeli blockade.
From Algemeiner:
Ma’ariv said the delegation that used the Kerry letter included vocal anti-Israel activists Ali Abunimah and Jodie Evans. The newspaper said that the clout of Kerry, who was then chair of the Senate’s Foreign Relations Committee and had been a U.S. presidential candidate, was apparently not as esteemed as the group had hoped, as their letter was ignored by Cairo as they tried to cross into Gaza from Egypt.
The team then joined the Mavi Marmara Flotilla, and “the rest is history,†Ma’ariv said.
So this is the ‘even-handed’ mediator whom Israel is expected to trust in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority and Iran!
Technorati Tags: John Kerry, Gaza Flotilla
Kerry is another burden we must carry until a new President comes into power. He is for the other side more than for us. He believes he is doing good when he is doing harm.
Israel should tell the Obama administration that John Kerry is not welcome in the Jewish state and put an end to these spurious peace negotiations.