Archive for the ‘Moty & Udi’ Category

Introducing Moty & Udi

Saturday, December 11th, 2010

“Moty & Udi” makes its debut today as a regular weekly feature in Moty, Udi and their friends are drawn by Judah Rosenthal, who puts food on the table as a firearms instructor while he writes and illustrates the definitive Israeli graphic novel. We hope you’ll get to know and like them as they provide a window into the lives of young people in one of the most exciting and sometimes difficult places in the world.

Judah Rosenthal was born in New Jersey, grew up in Israel, went to high school in Fresno, and then returned to Israel when he was 19, in time to serve in one of those ‘elite combat units’. During the Second Intifada, he spent five years with a police counter-terrorism unit.

His greatest wish is to work as an artist and illustrator who has nothing to do with security.

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