Why the world loves the anti-Jews

July 8th, 2011

Here’s something to think about over the weekend:

The Palestinian Authority is facing a budget crisis. It has reached its borrowing limit and has a 585 million dollar deficit. So naturally its leaders are asking the West for another handout…

But do “Palestinian People” really need billions more in aid? The World Bank report for 2011 found that only 16 percent of the West Bank under PA control was living below the poverty line.

How serious is a 16 percent poverty rate? It’s better than the poverty rate in Washington D.C. which hit 18.9 percent. That means that politicians in Washington D.C. are diverting money that could have been used to help needy Americans a few miles from their offices, to help the comparatively better off terrorist populations in the West Bank…

Last month the PA passed a law putting all imprisoned terrorists, even members of Hamas, on its payroll. Now the Palestinian Authority is having payroll problems and expects foreign donors to bail it out– so it can continue paying money to convicted murderers. — Daniel Greenfield, “The Palestinian Muslim Money Hole

Read the article to find out what else your money is buying for the Palestinian Arabs.

Now, everyone knows that Greece, whose poverty rate is 20%, has suffered a massive economic crisis, and the harsh terms of its bailout are likely to push that number even higher. But after all, these are the Greeks, a real people in a real country, with a real, albeit struggling, economy.

Palestine, Greenfield suggests, has become a failed state before it’s been declared.

So the question is, why is it so important that these particular Arabs, who have given the world so much — airline hijacking, suicide bombings with rat-poison laced shrapnel, the Qassam rocket — should have a state of their own?

Indeed, why is it seen as an enormous problem that they presently do not have a state, since they turned down several past opportunities?

Who are they, anyway? They are mostly the descendents of Arabs from Syria and Egypt who moved to Palestine during the latter part of the 19th century and the Mandate period, mostly to take advantage of better economic conditions there — thanks to the Zionists — than in their homelands.

In the years since 1948, and particularly since 1967, they have created a mythology of a ‘Palestinian’ civilization that extends back hundreds, indeed thousands, of years. But that’s what it is, a myth. ‘History’ invented from whole cloth.

They have developed themselves into a people only in opposition to another people — the Jews who ironically made it possible for them to be ‘Palestinian’ in the first place. And it seems that much of their culture — their literature, poetry, music, their politics and their heroes — are all based on their opposition to the Jews. They are the ‘anti-Jews’ in every way. Do I need to add that they aspire to destroy the Jews’ state? Do I need to add that they try to kill Jews every chance they get?

So why is this ‘people’ important enough that its political entity should be maintained by the taxes collected from people who are less well off, in Washington DC, Greece and California (poverty rate: 15.3%)? Why is it important enough that European and American heads of state have called for statehood for them as soon as possible?

Why are ‘activists’ from all over the world converging on Israel this week, by air and sea, on behalf of them?

Indeed, when there are other peoples around the world whose situation is objectively far worse — in Southern Sudan, in Syria, etc. — why is so much attention, money and effort focused on the “Palestinians?”

Only a paranoid Jew would say that it’s precisely because they are the anti-Jews.

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This one’s going viral — you saw it here first!

July 7th, 2011

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Richard Falk apologizes to dogs for comparing them to Jews

July 7th, 2011

Richard Falk is the “UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967,” and has been viciously anti-Israel (as befits his mandate, which is to investigate “Israel’s violations of the bases and principles of international law”).  For what it’s worth Falk is also a “9/11 Truther” who believes that the Bush Administration was complicit in the attacks on 9/11.

Anyway, UN Watch caught Falk with an antisemitic cartoon on his blog the other day:

Cartoon from Falk's blog, showing Jewish-American dog chewing on a child's bones while urinating on 'Justice'

Cartoon from Falk's blog, showing Jewish-American dog chewing on a child's bones while urinating on 'Justice'

Falk first denied that he had posted the cartoon, then deleted it, and ultimately admitted that he had posted it without realizing that it was antisemitic. His ‘apology’ is fascinating:

With apologies, I realize that the cartoon that originally appeared on my blog devoted to the arrest warrants for Qaddafi and two others issued by the ICC had strongly anti-semitic symbolism that I had not detected before it was pointed out to me. I posted the cartoon to express my view that double standards pertained to the American and ICC approach to international criminal accountability. As soon as I was made aware of the anti-semitic content of the cartoon I removed it from my blog, although initially I denied such a posting because I did not realize that it was anti-semitic and was mistaken as to what was being referred to…

To be clear, I oppose any denigration of a people based on ethnicity, race, religion, stage of development, and believe in the human dignity of all people in their individual and collective identity. Beyond this, if we are to have a sustainable human future we must also make peace with nature, and treat animals with as much respect as possible

Perhaps I’m missing something, but is Falk actually apologizing to dogs for comparing them to Jews or Israelis? It certainly seems that way!

Did I add that Falk is of Jewish ancestry and has described himself as “an American Jew?” But he was unable to detect antisemitism in the cartoon?

Nothing shows the truly abominable nature of the UN more than the fact that it is prepared to employ such as Falk. He is absolutely perfect for the job, combining the antisemitism and anti-Zionism of a third-world thug with a distinguished academic career to lend him an air of respectability.

Although I’m not a psychologist, the evidence of mental unbalance in this man is beyond question. Even the UN ought to be ashamed — although UN Watch reports that his term was “quietly renewed” this March.

Perhaps he’s as crazy as a loon, but apparently he’s a useful loon.

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More perfidy from Albion

July 6th, 2011

Recently I wrote a post about an obtuse remark by the British Foreign Secretary, which I called ‘Perfidious Albion‘. So I can’t use that title again. Too bad.

News item:

MK Amir Peretz narrowly managed to escape an arrest warrant issued for him in London this past weekend on suspicion of committing war crimes during the Lebanon War…

It’s almost funny –  some would suggest that rather than arrest him, they should have given a medal to the man who was probably the least qualified Minister of Defense in Israel’s history.

Famous 2006 photo of Amir Peretz scanning the skies through capped binoculars

Famous 2006 photo of Amir Peretz scanning the skies through capped binoculars

But is is not funny at all that Israeli officials (Tzipi Livni and retired Maj.-Gen. Doron Almog had similar issues) cannot safely visit the UK. Although the British government promised to solve the problem, apparently they can’t or don’t wish to.

I’m sure most of my readers know about the history of Anglo-Israeli relations. After Lord Balfour — whose Zionism stemmed primarily from his Christian restorationist belief — it was all downhill, as Britain did its best to subvert the Mandate for a Jewish National Home in Palestine, reaching a nadir with the White Paper of 1939, which called for Jews to die in Europe rather than upset British plans for the Mideast.

Or maybe the nadir was reached in 1948, when the British detained men of military age in Cyprus, supplied arms to the Arabs, trained and led Jordan’s Arab Legion, and used their aircraft to spy on Israel’s armies for the Arabs’ benefit. Or when they stood by and watched (or worse) the massacre of the Hadassah medical convoy that April. Or perhaps when they planned to go to war with Israel on behalf of Jordan in 1954.

Remains of the Hadassah medical convoy. 79 people, mostly doctors and nurses, were murdered by Arabs on April 13, 1948. British troops, for the most part, stood aside.

Remains of the Hadassah medical convoy. 79 people, mostly doctors and nurses, were murdered by Arabs on April 13, 1948. British troops, for the most part, stood aside until it was too late, and may even have prevented the Hagana from coming to the rescue.

It was a long time ago, perhaps, but I don’t think fundamental attitudes have changed.  Today, with the addition of millions of relatively militant ‘Asians’ — Muslims, mostly from Pakistan — who live in the UK, there are more reasons for British policy to be anti-Israel. And the distinction between Israel-haters and Jew-haters, always somewhat blurry, seems to be mostly gone as the two groups have become more or less coextensive.

In a 2005 article, Jonathan Rosenblum described the way British elites, the BBC, etc. have legitimized antisemitic discourse:

A few years back, Penelope Wyatt reported in the Spectator the remark of a liberal peer, “Thank God, we can once again say what we want about the Jews.” More recently, a liberal commentator tried to reassure Melanie Phillips that there has been no upsurge in anti-Semitism. No, he explained helpfully, the anti-Semitism has always been there. What is changed now is that the taboos against its expression have fallen.

“What you have to understand is that we are just so relieved that we don’t have to worry about the Jews any more. Ever since the war we were told that because of their suffering, the Jews were above criticism. But now [thanks to Israel] that’s no longer the case,” he said.

It goes way back, as far as the period immediately following the Norman Conquest, according to Anthony Julius, who wrote a massive book called “Trials of the Diaspora: A History of Anti-Semitism in England” documenting the metamorphoses of antisemitism over the centuries. The more it changes — taking religious, racial and political forms, says Julius, the more it stays the same, hearkening back to similar images and themes. The blood libels of the eleventh century aren’t that different from that expressed by the cartoon that won an award from the British Political Cartoon Society in 2003, that shows Ariel Sharon biting the head off of an Arab baby.

Tim Benson, president of the Political Cartoon Society, holds offensive cartoon. Benson, who is Jewish, claims to be mystified by the controversy.

Tim Benson, president of the Political Cartoon Society, holds offensive cartoon. Benson, who is Jewish, claimed to be mystified by the controversy.

It’s another story, but Tim Benson, the Society’s Jewish President was, er, outraged by the outrage:

Mr Benson said the cartoon was a criticism of Mr Sharon and his policies, not a harangue against Jews. “I’m probably the most hated person in British Jewry now,” he said. “Jewish groups around the world are up in arms. These hysterical idiots are coming onto my site and calling me a Nazi. Do they not want people to have the freedom to express themselves?

“You couldn’t meet a nicer guy than Dave Brown. Cartoonists depict George Bush and Tony Blair in exactly the same way. If a cartoonist attacks the Israeli prime minister, it’s not necessarily anti-Semitic. Dave left the Star of David off the helicopters in the background.

Benson, of course, massively missed the point, which is that Sharon’s policies did not involve killing children. So why this image?

The answer, of course, is that it gets its power precisely by ringing an ancient bell, one that is deeply embedded in the perfidious British soul.

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Jewish evolution

July 5th, 2011

Once there was the Old Jew: the ghetto Jew that didn’t know how to fight or farm, pale, cut off from the land, too weak to protect himself against the antisemites, who depended on non-Jewish rulers and often waited for help to come from the heavens until it was too late.

Then we got the New Jew, tough, the one that ‘made the desert bloom’, a fearsome fighter who gave up Yiddish for tzabarit, and traded the Old Jew’s traditional Judaism for a religion of hard work and (often excessive) self-confidence. The New Jew told the non-Jewish rulers to go hell and created the state of Israel. The New Jew wasn’t as easy to push around as the Old Jew, but his ideology didn’t have the staying power that the Old Jew’s religion had, which gave rise to…

The Newer Jew: these are the Jews for whom the highest ideal is universal justice, the maximum amount of freedom and self-determination for everyone, and end to limitations, to borders, to oppression for all humankind. These are the Peter Beinarts and the Richard Jacobses. Although they may profess a form of Judaism, its ethics hold no special place for the Jewish people or the land of Israel. Unfortunately, the Newer Jew — who usually has only a tenuous grasp of history and often a specious post-modern left-wing ideology — sometimes has trouble telling the difference between friends and enemies.

This is where you get absurdities like “Rabbis for Human Rights” and others who today are actually helping Hamas by trying to break Israel’s blockade of Gaza, an act which serves no humanitarian purpose but only facilitates Hamas obtaining weapons to use against Israel!

But the pendulum never stops swinging, and there is a reaction to the Newer Jew as well: groups like hashomer hachadash and im tirtzu, who seem to combine the respect for Judaism and the Land of Israel of the Old Jew with the toughness of the New Jew. Do we call them the Newest Jew?

Im tirtzu recently sailed their own little ‘flotilla’ among the boats of the pro-Hamas activists waiting to leave for Gaza from Piraeus, Greece. Their message was that the real victimes of oppression were not the genocidal antisemites of Hamas, but rather the kidnapped Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit, and the Syrian dissidents who are being murdered on a daily basis by Bashar al-Assad:

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