Archive for December, 2007

Final exam on Israel and Saudi Arabia

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

President Bush with Saudi King Abdullah

President Bush with Saudi King Abdullah

1. Which country allows its residents religious freedom?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Israel

2. Which country is explicitly racist in its immigration and employment policies?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

3. Which country practices a form of religious apartheid in which certain places are off-limits to any but a favored group?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

4. Which country is a democracy?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Israel

5. Which country is a monarchy in which a 6000-member royal family holds most of the wealth?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

6. Which country does not permit women to drive, and sentences rape victims to be whipped for the crime of being alone with an unrelated male?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

7. What was the destination of nine charter flights which left the US as soon as airspace was reopened after 9/11?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

8. What country colluded with Egypt and Syria prior to the Yom Kippur war to use oil as a weapon, declared an oil embargo on the US during that war which caused severe shortages of gasoline and heating oil, and led OPEC to raise prices in a maneuver which quadrupled the price of oil in the world within a year?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

9. What country is the major beneficiary of the present run-up in the price of oil?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

10. Which country operates a quiet network of agents made up of highly influential former officials — including former Presidents — in the US, paid either directly for services of various kinds or by way of funding for foundations and pet projects?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

11. To which country do present US officials defer in hopes of obtaining a well-paid post-retirement job?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

12. Which country’s much-discussed lobby is made up mostly of businessmen who meet at fancy hotels, has less real influence than everybody thinks, and recently had two staffers framed by the FBI for “espionage”?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Israel

12. Which country distributes petro-funds around the world to institutions teaching an extremist form of Sunni Islam, institutions which teach the necessity of jihad against Shiite Muslims, Christians, Jews, Israel, and the West?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

13. In what country are huge amounts of money collected, ostensibly for ‘charity’, which go directly to Hamas and other terrorist groups?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

14. What country held a telethon in 2005 to raise funds for the Palestinian intifada?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

15. Which country was the first to be allowed to buy the advanced F15E jets?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

16. After a huge bomb killed 19 US servicemen and injured scores more at the Khobar Towers housing complex in Dharan in 1996, what country was criticized by the US justice department for withholding evidence and hindering the investigation into the bombing?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

17. When the Saudi network went head-to-head with the pro-Israel lobby in 1981 over the proposed sale of the advanced AWACS system to Saudi Arabia, who won?

  1. The pro-Israel lobby
  2. The Saudi network

18. To defend Kuwait and what other country did the US go to war in 1991?

  1. Israel
  2. Saudi Arabia

19. When Saddam Hussein fired scud missiles at both Israel and Saudi Arabia during the Gulf war, which country was forbidden by the US to defend herself to avoid insulting the other?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Israel

20. During the recent Annapolis conference, which country’s delegates were made to enter through a service entrance in order to avoid insulting those of the other?

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Israel

Hint: all correct answers are even numbers. But you knew that.

Extra credit essay:

Explain US Mideast policy since the 1960’s in terms of the influence of the Saudi network on a series of Presidents and other officials, especially Fred Dutton, James A. Baker, Jimmy Carter, J. W. Fulbright, G. H. W. Bush and G. W. Bush, etc.

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More on Marcy

Sunday, December 23rd, 2007

Nothing recently has come close to irritating me as much as Marcy Winograd, exemplar of the Jewish anti-Zionist Left (see: Marcy Winograd, please convert to Islam).

But I suppose it’s worth trying to educate her. She can’t possibly be as dumb as she seems.

Ami Isseroff is trying:

However, for the real and imagined crimes of the “Zionists” there is only one remedy according to these friends of “peace and justice:” Israel must be dismantled, and the Jewish people must be denied the right to self determination. Germany, which was responsible for two world wars and genocide, is not to be dismantled. The German state is not to be flooded with Poles and Czechs and Frenchman. Japan, which committed committed unspeakable horrors in China, was not dismantled and settled with Chinese, and the Japanese are allowed their own language and customs, like the Germans. America, which committed genocide against the native Americans, and is the home of many of these ostensible lovers of peace and justice, will not pay for its sins. Russia, which terrorized all of Eastern Europe and the Baltic, and continues to deny the rights of the Chechnyans and others, is exempt from criticism.

But the Jews are not to share the same justice as Germany, Japan, USA and Russia. Israel must be turned into a “secular democratic” single state of Jews and Arabs according to the peace lovers. This is precisely the “peace” solution offered by his excellency, Hajj Amin Al Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, the escaped Nazi war criminal, in 1948. And so, in the name of “peace and justice,” the opponents of “Zionism,” including Jews like Marcy Winograd, propagate the racist doctrine that only the Jews are not worthy of self-determination, and that alone among the states of the world, the Jewish state has no right to exist, solely because it is Jewish. [my emphasis]

The continuation of this “peace” plan is known. The Mufti told the British that the “solution” he planned for the Palestinians, that is, the Jews of Palestine, was precisely the one adopted for the Jews of Europe by his mentor and friend, Adolf Hitler. The Mufti planned to build an extermination camp near Nablus. But the Jews of Palestine were not “citizens of the world” and did not allow this “peace solution” to be implemented. That was the cause of the “Nakba” of the Arabs of Palestine. And the same obstinate and evil Zionists will not, frustratingly enough for people like Marcy Winograd, allow the final solution to be implemented now.

Read the whole article here. I hope that Marcy does, although I am afraid that she’s beyond help.

Update [1104 PST]: I am informed that she did read Ami Isseroff’s article, and her response indicates that it did not affect her thinking at all. Why am I not surprised?

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Marcy Winograd: please convert to Islam

Saturday, December 22nd, 2007

World citizen Marcy WinogradFrom an email:

Marcy Winograd is the co-founder of the LA Jews for Peace collective and a long-time anti-war activist in Los Angeles. Inspired by author Joel Kovel’s book Overcoming Zionism, she is interested in assembling and publishing an anthology entitled: From Zionism to Humanism: Personal Stories of Jews Who Dare to Speak Out…

We were brainwashed, indoctrinated, fooled. Zionism is not the way. You can’t steal people’s land, erect a country on the basis of religious or cultural superiority and ever think you will be at peace. It is wrong. Zionism hijacked us, robbed us of our humanity, and conned us into thinking Israel equaled Judaism. — Marcy Winograd

Humanism, not Zionism, is the path to peace.

There’s plenty more like this. The usual propaganda — she accuses Israel of “indiscriminate bombing of civilians” — mixed with first person self-hatred.

I know, it’s a trite thing to say, I should answer her arguments instead of slamming her ad hominem. But my answers are all over this blog, and — trite or not — how else can you characterize this:

Though I identify with persecuted Jews, I grow up longing to be part of the dominant culture. I hang little red and green lights on plastic Christmas trees and rarely visit temple except to hava nagila at the boys’ bar mitzvahs or to pray on Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, when we never atone for the sin of theft, slaughter, or occupation.

Winograd’s parents considered themselves “world citizens”, she says, and I presume that she would describe herself similarly (perhaps with a more up-to-date phrase). She feels deeply for the victims of Sabra and Shatila, for the “Lebanese children”, etc.

But somehow the fact that almost the entire Arab world, comprising 23 nations with about 350 million people (and that doesn’t include non-Arab Iran), is dedicated to the violent replacement of a small democratic state containing 5.5 million Jews (and 1.5 million Arabs) with yet another Arab dictatorship simply doesn’t strike a chord in her.

Why should it? She has no Jewish connection. If the temple where she goes to “hava nagila” and all the rest of them were to disappear tomorrow it wouldn’t matter at all. The fact that there is only one Jewish homeland is not important either, to a world citizen like Ms. Winograd. It, too, could disappear. A world citizen is at home anyplace.

Nevertheless, she makes a big deal about her Jewishness — in the context of her anti-Zionism.

Insofar as it gives her an audience for her recitation of lies and distortions about history and current fact, insofar as it perversely lends credence to her false accusations, she is happy to be Jewish.

She mentions persecuted Jews and the Holocaust. Although she can put herself in the place of Palestinian refugees, can she imagine being a Jew with nowhere in the world to go? It may come to pass again, if humanists like Marcy Winograd have their way.

Do us (the Jews) a favor, Ms. Winograd. Say the Shehada. Learn some Arabic, put on the hijab. Spend a few years in an Arab country. Then as a Muslim Arab anti-Zionist, you will be entirely normal.

And we won’t have to listen to your crap about being Jewish.

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A life or death situation

Friday, December 21st, 2007

The publication of the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), and — more importantly — the spin placed on the statement therein that “in fall 2003, Tehran halted its nuclear weapons program”, has encouraged Iran to continue its enrichment of uranium and has reduced the possibility of effective international sanctions.

In the international scene, Russia’s decision to renew fuel shipments to Iran main nuclear facility at Bushehr was interpreted by many anlysts as stemming directly from the NIE’s publication; another development possibly stemming from the report is Russia and China’s hardened position on further sanctions against Teheran.

In Teheran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quick to capitalize on the NIE, calling it an “Iranian victory” and demanding that the United States publicly apologize for its previous bellicose stance. — Jerusalem Post

As I have written, reading past the first sentence in the NIE makes it clear that the intelligence community’s estimation of the Iranian potential to make nuclear weapons has not changed much, if at all.

However, politically — in both the international and domestic arenas — the statement is highly significant. Unless it’s a trick to distract the Iranians while we plan to bomb them (doubtful), it sends the message that the US does not plan to interfere militarily in the Iranian program. And this message has obviously been received loud and clear in Moscow, Beijing, and Teheran.

Today, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said

On Iran, I continue to say that if Iran will just do the one thing that is required of it by the Security Council resolutions that have been passed — and that is suspend its enrichment and reprocessing activities — then I’m prepared to meet my counterpart any place and anytime and anywhere and we can talk about anything… — AP

Of course Iran does not need to worry about resolutions which are not likely to be enforced, but note also that she did not even mention nuclear weapons.

One can speculate about why the US has taken the military option off the table. Some possibilities are

  • we have been deterred by the probable Iranian response, both against our troops, ships, and installations in the region and in the form of terrorism against Americans in the US and elsewhere; and
  • we have been encouraged by secret Iranian promises to take the heat off in Iraq.

Probably, the answer is a bit of both. I also think our policymakers think that a direct nuclear threat from Iran against the US is far in the future, and can be deterred by a promise of massive retaliation.

For Israel the question is much sharper. Israeli planners see a world with Iranian nuclear weapons as a world without Israel.

The consequence of the NIE is that both US pressure and international sanctions are less likely to prevent Iran from achieving its goal. Therefore, the possibility that Israel will at some point find her red line crossed and wil attack Iran is much greater.

Some argue that this can’t happen because Israel doesn’t have the capability, because Israel can’t risk the Iranian (and Syrian) response, because the US is unlikely to give the ‘green light’, etc.

But in a life or death situation, even the most dangerous course of action is better than doing nothing.

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Muslims demand respect, give none

Thursday, December 20th, 2007

From the people who gave us the Danish Cartoon Riots and the Teddy Bear Affair:

( Jewish worshippers Tuesday were stunned to find Arabs had desecrated the graves of the Biblical Joshua, Caleb and Nun (Joshua’s father).

Joshua served as the Jewish Nation’s Prime Minister from the year 2488 until 2516 on the Hebrew calendar (1272 BCE – 1300 BCE).

Members of the One Shechem organization that organizes visits to the graves arrived in the village of Timnat (Kifl) Haress, near Ariel in Samaria, to prepare for a special prayer gathering, discovered that Arab vandals had desecrated the village’s Jewish tombs. The tombs of Yehoshua (Joshua) ben Nun, Nun, and Calev (Caleb) ben Yefuneh were covered with garbage and feces – both human and animal, and anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans and symbols had been painted in the area.

Israel of course has gone out of her way to protect Muslim holy sites. How do you think the Arabs would treat ours if they had control of East Jerusalem?

That’s right. Like they did in 1948-67, like Joseph’s tomb in 2000, and like the graves of Joshua, Nun, and Caleb this week.

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