What must be done about Iran — soon

January 9th, 2012
The Strait of Hormuz

The Strait of Hormuz

I wonder if the West is finally starting to take Iran’s nuclear program seriously. According to US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta,

“We made very clear that the United States will not tolerate the blocking of the Strait of Hormuz,” Panetta said. “That’s another red line for us and that we will respond to them” …

Panetta also said the U.S. would consider it a “red line” if Iran begins to develop a nuclear weapon. Iran insists it is enriching uranium only for civilian power plants and research, but the U.S. and its allies fear the program could be used to develop high-grade nuclear fuel for warheads.

“Are they trying to develop a nuclear weapon?  No,” Panetta said. “But we know that they’re trying to develop a nuclear capability. And that’s what concerns us. And our red line to Iran is, ‘Do not develop a nuclear weapon.’ That’s a red line for us.”

It sounds as though we will allow them to do all the development that they wish, as long as they do not actually build a weapon. Sanctions so far have been too mild to be effective as Iran continues to enrich uranium and do other development activities that are prerequisites for a deliverable weapon. A new hardened facility for enriching uranium (and perhaps other work) has recently come on line. I would call this ‘development’, even if it is as yet incomplete.

What this means is that the window between Iran crossing the US red line and becoming a nuclear power is getting smaller. It’s obvious that Iran intends to go as far as it can. And since the only ‘development’ activity that we are certain to detect is a test of a nuclear device, that becomes a narrow window indeed.

It’s been suggested that the process can be stopped with sanctions, choking off Iran’s economic life by interfering with its oil exports. But even if this were done and Iran agreed to end its nuclear program, we would need to set up an effective system of controls to prevent it from continuing development in secret. I have my doubts as to whether this is possible, and even whether the Iranian regime would agree to stop under the most strict sanctions.

The first law of sanctions is that they don’t work very well on dictatorial regimes, because the regime can always allocate scarce resources to itself and its pet projects. Saddam Hussein not only did this, but he manipulated the “oil for food” program (remember that?) to enrich himself and his cronies.

In any event, Iran has already threatened to block the Strait of Hormuz in response to an oil sanction. Although Panetta said that the US has the ability to reopen it if needed, from the point of view of the West this cannot be allowed to happen. Even if there is no supply crisis, the uncertainty and unavoidable speculation that would ensue would drive oil prices through the roof.

The shaky European and US economies would be struck another crushing blow at exactly the worst time. True unemployment in the US, if you count those who are not looking for jobs, may be as high as 20%. Can you imagine the result of gasoline doubling in price? The threat of closing the strait is probably a greater short-term danger to the West than Iran getting nuclear weapons! I doubt that the West will risk it.

Why not just do nothing and allow Iran to get the bomb? Can’t it be deterred like the former Soviet Union? There are several reasons why this is a poor option.

First, even without exploding the bomb, Iran can use it to provide an umbrella for its expansionist policy, allowing it to gain control of the entire Gulf region and its oil, at which point it can wage economic warfare on the West.

Second, it will provoke a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, with countries like Saudi Arabia and Egypt feeling the need to protect themselves against their historic enemy.

Third, unlike the Soviet Union, there is an irrational religious element in the regime’s ideology which might permit it to actually use the weapon — possibly against Israel — in spite of the consequences, or transfer it to terrorist factions. A “balance of terror” between Israel and Iran would be much more precarious than that between the US and the Soviets, for various reasons.

Finally, if we do nothing, Iran will proceed with its program until Israel, out of simple self-preservation when its red line is crossed, will be forced to attack Iran itself. The strike will be less effective than what  the US is capable of, and will provoke the same Iranian responses.

What would be an effective military option? I suggest that the best approach is to hit Iran in such a way as to  neuter it militarily, by destroying as much of its naval, air and rocket forces as possible, while also damaging its nuclear installations to the greatest possible extent. At the same time, the US Navy must act to keep the straits open. The lesson of Iraq is that we should not attempt to conquer or occupy the country — if there is to be regime change, it will have to be initiated by the indigenous resistance movements (which we can assist, of course). Such an operation can be considered a ‘police action’ to eliminate an immediate threat, not an attempt to create geopolitical change.

We know that Iraq will respond by trying to attack US forces in the region and Israel, which is why the strike must be focused on Iranian military assets as well as its nuclear program. It will undoubtedly unleash Hizballah against Israel, which will fire massive rocket barrages as well as attempt to invade the northern part of the country. But if war with Hizballah is inevitable — and most analysts think so — then it will be better for it to be preemptive and coordinated with a US attack on Hizballah’s patron, Iran.

Those who are opposed to a US attack on Iran like to imply that it is Israel’s problem, and that the US ought not fight to protect Israel. I fully agree, as long as the US doesn’t interfere with Israel’s self-defense. But a nuclear Iran is no less a danger to the US and the West, if not in such apocalyptic terms. The Iranian regime today is following a policy that will change the balance of power in the world against the West and in favor of radical Islam if not stopped. The threat of losing control of a large portion of the world’s oil reserves to a hostile Islamist power, which would lead to the destruction of Western economies, can’t be ignored.

Today this is the most important issue in the world, far more important than relations between Israel and the Palestinian Arabs, for example. Future historians may see it as a major turning point, depending on what we do. There is no acceptable non-military option, and the cost of acting can only go up with time.

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Neturei Karta in New Hampshire

January 9th, 2012
Ron Paul shakes hands with Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss in New Hampshire

Ron Paul shakes hands with Neturei Karta leader Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss in New Hampshire. Badge reads "A Jew, not a Zionist"

I’ll be uploading my regular article later today, but this was too good not to post:

Members of the anti-Zionist Neturei Karta, the same ‘Orthodox’ Jews that were paid by Yasser Arafat and who traveled to Iran to meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, called upon the Republican presidential hopefuls in New Hampshire to “support the Palestinian people by rejecting support for Israel as an independent state.”

Poor Ron Paul. He probably thought this photo-op would improve his tattered image among Jews!

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Mini-survey exposes obsession

January 8th, 2012
The incredibly offensive Dubai fitness center advertisement

The incredibly offensive Dubai fitness center advertisement

I spent a few minutes on Twitter this morning. Here are some of the things I found:

Adam Levick describes the (UK) Guardian’s fixation on Israel:

What particularly stands out is that Israel, a stable democracy, was covered more than war-torn Afghanistan, Syria (in a year which saw brutal violence in what may be the beginning of regime change), Greece (hit by nothing short of an economic Tsunami), Iraq (a year where terrorism and related inter-sectarian violence still claimed over 4,000 lives), Pakistan (where civil war in the northwest region of the country resulted in over 6000 dead for the year), and Tunisia (where longtime President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali was ousted in a revolution)

Even further down on the list are countries you’d expect would receive more coverage: Turkey (326 tags), Sudan (173 tags), Bahrain (348 tags, despite an uprising against the government which resulted in many dead and several thousand arrests).

Martin Kramer relates Hamas leader Hanyeh’s cheerleading in Tunis:

So Ismail Haniya, Hamas “prime minister” from Gaza, visits Tunisia (http://goo.gl/LQTJz) to cuddle with the fairly-elected “moderate” Islamist Nahda party, and a crowd at the airport greets him (in Arabic) thus:
Cheerleader: “Kick the Jews!”
Crowd: “It’s [our] duty!”
Cheerleader: “Drive out the Jews!”
Crowd: “Duty!”
Cheerleader: “Kill the Jews!”
Crowd: “Duty!”
Oh, don’t get so worked up. They really meant the Zionists, right?

Somebody named Pat Carmeli writes (on anti-Israel scumbag Philip Weiss’ website) that police officers guarding synagogues are anti-peace:

I asked the officer if he provides security for churches or mosques and he replied that he might direct traffic after a “big football game at a Catholic school.”  This officer, it turned out, frequently works events at area synagogues.  I just wonder if the police presence at these events, serves as a constant reminder to the attendees of “Jews as victims,” and if in some small and indirect way it hinders the pursuit of a real peace based on fairness and justice for all.

This one (see photo above), which defies description:

A Dubai fitness center has pulled an ad that featured train tracks to the Auschwitz death camp and the slogan,” Kiss your calories goodbye.”

Phil Parkinson, manager of the Circuit Factory in Dubai, admitted he was “not surprised people have reacted so strongly regarding the poster,” according to GulfNews.com. “The creative team got it badly wrong. I am not surprised people are upset,” he said, adding that he was “mortified” when he saw the ad. He tweeted: “Apologies for the insane poster campaign that was put up this morning. The creative guy has been told where to go.”

Egypt reportedly plans to bill Israel for destroying its air force “for no reason” in 1967, among other things.

Conspiracy nut Wayne Madsen has ‘proof’ that the Mossad was responsible for 9/11:

A Mossad unit consisting of six Egyptian- and Yemeni-born Jews infiltrated “Al Qaeda” cells in Hamburg (the Atta-Mamoun Darkanzali cell), south Florida, and Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates in the months before 9/11. The Mossad not only infiltrated cells but began to run them and give them specific orders that would eventually culminate in their being on board four regularly-scheduled flights originating in Boston, Washington Dulles, and Newark, New Jersey on 9/11.

In Italy,

In the end of December, [an Italian] high school teacher posted on Facebook a picture of Mussolini shaking the hand of Hitler, and wrote a message saying: “Take a look, you dirty bastard Jews who control us from the land of shit and homosexuals called California. If you remove this picture, I will go to the synagogue next to my house, with my pistol, and gun down some parasite Jews.”

These are just items posted over a period of several hours! None of it would make sense in a rational world. There is a worldwide obsession with Jews and Israel, stupid and vicious.

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Israel did keep its promise to Hamas, despite left-wing media fairy tale

January 6th, 2012
Palestinians demonstrate triumphantly at the second phase of the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap, December 18, 2011

Palestinians demonstrate triumphantly at the second phase of the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap, December 18, 2011

An article by John Glaser published yesterday at “antiwar.com” is headlined thus:

Israel Plans to Betray Promise on Prisoner Swap Deal

The second part of the agreement – to release another 550 Palestinians after the return of Gilad Shalit – may be abandoned

Glaser goes on to say that

… a government-appointed panel in Israel recommended in a secret report Thursday to back out of the deal. Defense Minister Ehud Barak would not divulge details of the report but said Israel has “no choice but to overhaul the rules” now that Sgt. Gilad Schalit has been freed.

The second half of Palestinian prisoners, some of whom are children and minors, are reportedly serving sentences for “security offenses,” not for violent attacks or for being part of either Hamas or Islamic Jihad.

Now here is the reality:

The second and final half of the prisoner release deal (what I have called the ‘jailbreak’) occurred 0n December 18. A total of 1027 prisoners, including multiple murderers, were released in the swap for the kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit.

It is true that the 550 convicts released in the second phase tended to be those serving lighter sentences or those near the end of their sentences. This is because the deal called for Hamas to pick those to be released in the first part and Israel the second. The mass murderers and other more serious offenders were released in October.

In a fascinating example of the pathological thinking of the Israeli extreme Left, Ha’aretz writer Akiva Eldar said that Israel had treated the Palestinians unfairly by releasing too many car thieves and not enough murderers!

The ‘secret government report’ that Mr. Glaser refers to deals with recommendations for the appropriate strategy for Israel to take the next time the savages take hostages and demand ransom:

Interviewed on Israel Radio, [Defense Minister Ehud] Barak was asked about a classified report submitted to him on guidelines for handling negotiations regarding abducted soldiers. The interviewer asked whether the rules were expected to be made stricter so it would “no longer be 1,000 terrorists for one soldier.”

“I believe that will be the conclusion,” Mr. Barak said. “There is no choice. We have to change the rules fundamentally to protect the state’s overall interests.” He said an important part of the report’s conclusions were on “how to approach the negotiations, in what framework, with what rules, and I think it’s clear that the rules will be a lot stricter.” — NY Times

Glaser’s story is simply fabricated. In fact, Israel did keep its word to the terrorist organization that had held a young man, Gilad Shalit, underground in the Gaza Strip and incommunicado for more than five years.

For my part, I don’t believe that there is a moral obligation to treat murderers and hostage-takers fairly. Here’s what I said at the time of the first release:

Let’s remember that Israel is not releasing these prisoners, who by all rights should serve out their sentences, because it lost a bet on a football game to Hamas and the PLO. They are being released in payment of ransom, to free a kidnap victim … There is no difference between this and a situation in which gang members free their confederates by holding a gun to the head of a hostage. The idea that one could behave dishonorably toward the gang in that situation is absurd.

I’ll send this information to Glaser. Let’s see if he’ll retract his story.

Update [1402 PST]: Antiwar.com took the article down. Glaser apparently received a lot of heat for it, because he apologized.

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Live in the UK? Then read this…

January 4th, 2012

The quite interesting (and temperate) article below was written by Barry Rubin and posted at his usual spot on PJ Media. So why am I reproducing it in full instead of just linking to it?

Because if you live in the UK your government may not let you read this.

Rubin tells us,

I have just been informed that my PJ article, “Egypt: As Grim Islamists March Toward Power, The Naïve Dance in Tahrir Square” has been barred on sites used by officials of a European government–hint, they speak English there and it is the birthplace of modern democracy and free speech–on the grounds that this article is “hate speech.” What this means is that if you work for any institution that is part of this government–including the Foreign or Defense ministries–you cannot read this PJ Media column on your computer that’s part of such a server.

The message reads: Access denied — reason given : hate speech…

I cannot even figure out who I am supposedly telling people to “hate.” Is it “hate speech” to argue anything other than that the Muslim Brotherhood is a moderate pro-democratic group? Why isn’t the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizballah, and other such groups being banned for “hate speech” given their open statements advocating genocide against Jews?

Well, Western democracies have finally accepted censorship based on the clever lie that they are only protecting people from racism and those who want to incite violence and murder.  The door that this is opened has now made possible what liberals and democrats have warned against for more than a century–even though people claiming such positions are responsible for this–giving authorities to block and ban political views that they don’t like.

So if you happen to get your internet access via a UK government server, please read the article here (at least until Big Brother notices and bans this post as well).


Egypt: As Grim Islamists March Toward Power, The Naïve Dance in Tahrir Square
December 26, 2011 – 10:50 am – by Barry Rubin

“Germany was having trouble,
What a sad, sad story.
Needed a new leader
To restore its former glory.
Where, oh, where was he,
Who could that man be?
We looked around,
And then we found,
The man for you and me,
And now its….”

-–”The Producers”

Almost 80 percent of Egyptian Muslims in nine provinces voted for radical Islamist parties in the second round of Egypt’s election. Roughly 5 percent voted for a moderate Islamic party and about 15 percent voted for liberal parties.

That says it all. In the overall vote — that is, including the Christian voters — 70 percent supported  radical Islamists, 47 percent (4 million) supported the Muslim Brotherhood (86 of 180 available seats so far; they might win more), and 32 percent were for the Salafists (3.2 million; the Washington Post seriously underestimated their votes).

The liberal (but not overtly anti-Islamist) Wafd won 1 million; the liberal Egyptian Bloc won almost 800,000; and the moderate Islamic Wasat Party got 370,000.

Incidentally, the vice-chairman of the Wafd said in an interview last July that the U.S. government carried out the September 11 attacks and Anne Frank’s diary was a fake. At least he doesn’t like Iran, though he thinks it is right about the Holocaust being phony. And he’s the liberal.

In preparation for the new order, the military junta is closing down shops selling alcohol. It’s only the beginning. The much-touted Turkish model shows how Islamic law can be introduced gradually and more subtly: simply keep raising taxes on such beverages until no one can afford them. Raymond Stock describes the destruction of Egypt’s greatest library.

Egyptians and foreign observers now have two choices: face reality or retreat into comfortable fantasies about moderate Islamists. The Christian population cannot afford to engage in fantasies so it is increasingly fleeing, as documented by Lucette Lagnado in a moving, detailed article on Coptic refugees in the United States.

In “Tahrir: The Seed and the Utopia,” Egyptian blogger Big Pharoah, who spends much of his time in Canada, presents an idealistic but ultimately horrifying vision.  For him, the Tahrir Square of the demonstrators is a paradise where he would like to live.

I sometimes believe there is something supernatural in Tahrir; some kind of energy that transforms whomever chooses to be part of it. They say we Egyptians are lazy. Tahrir is a beehive. During sit-ins, everyone has a thing to do; from the elderly woman who prepares sandwiches to the young men who guard the gates….

It’s believed Egyptians are intolerant. Not a month passes without a sectarian crisis somewhere. Not in Tahrir though. In the square, the Muslim Brotherhood doctor treats patients inside a church. Christians form a protective circle around praying Muslims. In fact, Tahrir might be the only place Christians prayed in outside their churches.

….I tend to look at Tahrir as a mental state. As a seed that was planted in this country. And just like any seed, it is destined to grow. This is the reason why they’re doing everything to choke it. Because if Tahrir came out of Tahrir, this country will change forever and threaten whatever interests they’re trying to protect.

Actually, Tahrir was the seed that brought the plant of revolutionary Islamist authoritarianism. (I’ll keep the word totalitarianism for later on, when it might be needed.) The liberals were a tiny minority who in their combination of hope and arrogance thought that they were something powerful in the country. Meanwhile, the Islamists used the liberals as cover to climb into power. They were on their good behavior for strategic reasons.

Beautiful dreams often engender horrific realities: the Weimar Republic in Germany, the glorious dawn of the French Revolution, and the idealism of the Russian Revolution gave way to something else entirely.

Ironically, a Coptic refugee — in a sinister echo of Big Pharoah’s Brotherhood doctors treating Christians anecdote — recounts how a Muslim physician treating her daughter at a hospital offered to give her a clitorectomy, absolutely free of charge.  It was the “last straw” that made the family flee the country.

Of course, not all Egyptian Muslims think that way by any means. But the problem is that 70 to 80 percent of them are ready to vote that way. The excuses are endless: the Islamists are moderate; the Islamists aren’t really Islamists; being in power will moderate them; there are moderate factions; they don’t really mean what they say; they only mean what they say when talking to Western journalists.

The rationales aren’t based on evidence. They are based on wishful thinking, the same wishful thinking that enabled a tiny group of highly Westernized liberals in a few wealthy districts of Cairo to think that they actually represented the country.

Even today, the Tahrir Square political naifs are spending their energy fighting the army while their future masters entrench themselves in power through organization and the ballot box. In some bizarre dance of death — Tahrir is indeed a “mental state” but in political terms one of mental dysfunction — the liberal demonstrators demand the army turn over power faster.  Faster to whom? The Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists?

This is not to belittle the genuine spirit of idealism and the desire for a real and stable democracy of human and civil rights that many Egyptians want. But what’s most important is not what they desire but the actual effect of their ideas and actions.

There are wolves all too ready to profit from the gamboling of the sheep. Indeed, they are even quite willing to put on a wool disguise to lull them further into daydreams. The French aristocrat who converted to Catholicism to be king said that Paris was well worth a mass. The Islamists think that Cairo is well worth inviting dumb American journalists to dinner and being hospitable to them.

It’s the same generally with the West, dreaming of a moderate Palestinian state at peace with Israel; of moderate Islamists happily preserving their religion of peace; of Middle Easterners expressing gratitude to those wonderful Westerners who stopped backing dictators and evil Zionists to support instead the masses’ legitimate aspirations; and all the rest of that man-made global balminess.

Try to explain your good intentions to the firing squad. Blindness and wishful thinking are traits one cannot afford in the Middle East because the price for them is going to be very, very high.

Extra credit: in discussing Big Pharoah’s description of a seed, I suggested it has brought the ugly flower of radical Islamism. That reminds me of the evil flowers (Fleurs de Mal), the book of poetry by the French poet Charles Baudelaire. A community center named after the poet was one of the first buildings burned down in the Muslim riots in Paris.

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