Archive for the ‘Antisemitism’ Category

Is it just my imagination?

Thursday, April 5th, 2007

Arutz Sheva collects a few facts about antisemitism in North America:

( A Jewish center in the Canadian city of Montreal was targeted in a bomb attack, and a synagogue in San Francisco, California was defaced with swastikas during the first days of the Passover festival.

San Francisco’s Emanu-El synagogue, the largest in the city, was defaced with swastikas over the Passover festival. Congregants discovered the vandalism Monday morning.

In the heavily-Jewish populated Bergen County region of New Jersey, swastikas and anti-Jewish graffiti were found engraved into the playground of a Wallington park on Passover eve.

Chicago police are investigating the Passover eve spraying of graffiti on the walls of a Chicago synagogue. Anti-Israel messages, including “Death to Israel,” were painted in English and in Arabic.

A rough drawing of a building labeled “Jewish library” with missiles headed toward it was found in a Princeton University common room. Also in the path of the missiles were stick figures labeled “little Jews.” A swastika graced the top of the sketch. — Israel National News (Arutz Sheva)

Kos imageAnd here’s an image from the Daily Kos (let’s see how long the link remains valid):

Is it just my imagination that antisemitism grows bolder when Israel is perceived to be weak?

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Sunday, March 25th, 2007

FarrakhanIf you haven’t seen the Louis Farrakhan interview from Al-Jazeera (provided by MEMRI), you haven’t lived. Farrakhan, asked if he’s still called antisemitic, chuckles and asks if Arabs are Semites. So how can he, who is pro-Arab, be antisemitic? He goes on to claim that European Jews are not actually Jews or Semites. They are converts to Judaism who have ‘segregated’ the Sephardic and Ethiopian Jews! I suppose the point is that he can be anti-European-Jew without being antisemitic.

He claims that Iran is entitled to nuclear power, since it wants it for peaceful purposes, so as not to be dependent on oil. But the US is opposed to Iran’s atomic program because “the cornerstone of American foreign policy is protection of Israel” and the US fears “Iran’s attitude to Israel”. Attitude indeed.

Watching this guy is like watching a poisonous snake, except that I kind of like actual reptiles.

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Significant? Or not?

Sunday, March 25th, 2007

Recently our local newspaper printed a letter in which the writer suggested that the “moneychangers” (he used this word twice) and Israel were responsible for the war in Iraq. I think it’s safe to say that the editors were surprised by the strength of the reaction that they got from the local Jewish community. I’m sure that the “moneychangers” reference went right by them, but it probably won’t the next time!

Anyway, our contributor Murray Farber was thinking about the lack of awareness of Jewish issues in the media — at least outside of the centers of Jewish population — and he sent us this. Murray is a retired reporter and editor.

Am I too sensitive or am I especially perceptive? Two items in the local media bothered me, and I know it is probably pointless to complain because both came via national syndicates. Last week, a radio station ran an item about Anne Frank as part of a series about women and their achievements or impact. It had the expected material about her — hiding, Nazi occupation, the writings — but it never mentioned that she was Jewish.

Similarly about three weeks ago, local TV ran a piece about high school students — I think they were from Maryland — who gave up their vacations to go to New Orleans to assist in the Katrina rehabilation. The students wore yarmulkas and some had T-shirts with Hebrew writing. You guessed it! Again, the word ‘Jewish’ never came up.

Your reaction?

UK Muslim opposes antisemitism

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

A British Muslim has called for reconciliation between Jews and Muslims:

One of Britain’s most controversial Muslim leaders has declared that there is “an enormous amount” that Muslims could learn from the way Jews have integrated into the UK.

[Inayat Bunglawala, assistant secretary general of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB)] also has demanded an end to Islamic anti-Semitism, in what is being viewed as a remarkable move towards reconciliation between the two communities. — European Jewish Press

Bunglawala has previously made comments to the effect that the British media is controlled by Jews and similar statements. He indicated that the MCB’s policy of boycotting Holocaust Rememberance Day was under consideration (!) and might be changed.

Bunglawala…said his organization’s ties with the Muslim Brotherhood shouldn’t be a barrier to ties between the two communities, as they don’t seek to undermine Jews in the UK. He added that the Muslim Brotherhood believes the creation of Israel was a tragic mistake. — Jerusalem Post

The Muslim Brotherhood, an extremist Sunni organization, is the ‘parent’ of Hamas (Sheik Ahmed Yassin, a Hamas founder was a MB activist). It is characterized by extreme antisemitism as well as anti-Zionism; so I think Bunglawala’s statement is just a little misleading.

Of course any reduction of antisemitism is to be welcomed, but from my point of view, it’s strange to imagine Jews who could overlook Bunglawala’s position on Israel.

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They are out there

Tuesday, March 20th, 2007

Sylvia StolzIn a sense, I appreciate people like Sylvia Stolz and Hamas. I don’t have to waste time proving that they are antisemitic. I don’t have to show that Hamas incites and commits murder or that Stolz is insane. They do this themselves by word and deed.

German prosecutors on Tuesday charged the former lawyer for far-right activist Ernst Zündel with incitement, accusing her of denying the Holocaust and ending one of her legal filings with “Heil Hitler”…

During Zündel’s trial, Stolz repeatedly disputed the Nazis’ mass murder of Jews, called for hatred of the Jewish population and ended a legal document with the words “Heil Hitler,” the [prosecution] statement said…

“We are under foreign occupation, and this foreign occupation has portrayed Adolf Hitler as a devil for 60 years, but that is not true,” she said. “But the real truth can only be told when someone attempts to break this taboo.” — Jerusalem Post

Right. A class-A nutter (I wrote previously about Zündel himself here).
